Invest…. Or Reduce Debt?

This is a question I get asked a lot. And I mean a lot. In fact, recently I was asked the same question by one of my own team members. They are in flux. Use cash and borrow to buy an investment property or just pay off the home loan and not have to worry […]

Want $14K, or would you prefer $776K instead?

If this does not get your attention, then nothing will. If you happen to say $14K, then I would have to tell you have lost your marbles. But the reality is lazy investing can mean $14K when you could have $775K by just being diligent and being prepared to invest regularly. Over the last 30 […]

Sorry to Bring it Up….. But Prepare to Die!

I am going to apologise in advance. None of us want to talk about death. But you must. As a nation, we are not good at talking about death, and as a result, we are under-prepared. It is estimated that 60% of adult Australians do not have a will. And I have heard all the […]

FBT – They Are Coming!

If you are a client of ours, you may have noticed that we sent out an email recently on FBT and the changes we are making to how we calculate and deal with FBT. And now you have a second FBT email from me. As you all know, this is not exactly a topic that […]

$20,000 Gone in Seconds

Can you imagine losing $20,000 in seconds? This happens a lot. We have clients who have lost thousands. Some are in the tens of thousands. And before you snigger and think they were stupid or silly let me tell you these are highly intelligent, smart people. If it can happen to them it can happen […]

You want Success, To Work Less and Be Happy. Fantasy Or Achievable?

We are programmed from a young age. Actually, it is probably from the moment we learn to smile or roll over as a baby. And that is to work hard. Rolling over as a baby once is not good enough. Parents want their baby to roll continuously once they know the roll is possible. Parents, […]

Time – Going, Going…. Gone!

If you would like to listen to this blog post in audio format, please click here. As you know, I speak about having more time. I like the fact that I can work 3 to 4 days a week and still manage to do all the things that I do. But I do know this. […]

Employees Right to Disconnect!

If you would like to listen to this blog post in audio format, please click here.   I am all for employee rights as long as they make sense. But there is a fine balance between what is right and what oversteps the mark. I have never understood the pay awards system in Australia. But I do […]

Director Loans …..A Timebomb!

If you would like to listen to this blog post in audio format, please click here.   I hate it when clients take loans from a company to be given to a director. They are, in technical terms, called Div 7A loans. It is likely you have been told to use a bucket company to take these […]

It’s Outdated! Why You Need Formal Contracts

We accountants have been talking about this for eons. So have legal people. But then again, legal people get aroused whenever it comes to small print. But this time, the ATO is getting a bit excited. And that is usually a worry. It has to do with several legal cases which, to be honest, I […]


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